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Bring Your Own Charger®

Welcome to the Bring Your Own Charger® program! We recommend completing your enrollment on a tablet or mobile device.

Norwood Light wants to make it convenient to charger your electric vehicle and help keep electric rates low by reducing peak energy costs.

To enroll, you will need:

  • Your electric account number

  • Your charger's make model and serial number (if you have one), OR your vehicle identification number (VIN)

  • A picture of your smart charger or vehicle’s charging timer programmed to charge overnight

The Bring Your Own Charger program provides you a monthly $8 incentive in exchange for you agreeing to the following:

  • On weekdays, charge overnight at any time between 10 p.m. and noon the next day.

  • On weekends, charge at any time between 10 p.m. Friday and noon on Monday.

  • Provide a picture of your smart charger or vehicle’s charging timer programmed to charge between 10 p.m. and noon during weekdays.

In case of an urgent need, you may charge up to three times each month during the peak hours without forfeiting your incentive. If you exceed this limit, you may forfeit the bill credit for that month.


Please note: your account must be up to date to receive the bill credit


After joining the BYOC program, you may be eligible for a rebate of $1,000 to help offset the cost of installing some or all components of a Level 2 charging solution . Visit the Norwood Drives Electric incentives page for more information.

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